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What I do

I'm an energy healer and a certified adult teacher. I teach energy healing online. As a former Learning and Development Consultant I've spent many years organising, developing and delivering training. I love learning and so working in the teaching feild is a passion for me. I enjoy taking every opportunity to share what I learn and experience with energy healing.




I first discovered healing as a 'test pilot' for my uncle, who was an Auric Healer. I was fascinated by how he could help people heal, by using the energy flowing through his hands. Energy healing wasn't mainstream, or a well-known practice at the time. I believe it's popularity today is due to the increasing understanding, that we are all made of energy.  As new and exciting healing modalities appear, this life skill becomes more accessible to anyone who wants to learn it. Energy medicine and energy psychology work well alongside modern medicine, they are not a replacement for it.


Who it's for

If you want to improve your health, wellbeing and happiness. This includes reducing, or eliminating physical and emotional pain, disease, illness, fatigue, stress, burnout, anxiety, insomnia, and overwhelm. Stress is known to be the number one underlying cause of illness. I teach tips and techniques for managing excess stress in your life in my online courses.   


How I can help 

I'm an intuitive frequency healer who works primarily with shifting energy blocks. Energy blocks are caused by negative energy. We are exposed to negative energy during everyday life experiences and trauma from challenging life events. We can also inherit ancestral and past life trauma. Blocks to the flow of your energy leads to a feeling of being stuck, attracting negative people and life events into your life.


I've studied a number of healing modalities; such as, Pranic Applications Healing, Auric Healing, Ho' oponopono, Laughter Yoga, healing within the Akashic Records (past life healing) and with divine guidance, I created Infusion Healing. 


​While I offer one-on-one healing sessions, I strongly promote learning how to heal yourself, so you are not dependent on others for healing. Everyone is born with the ability to heal themselvesIt's a simple process, a lot like following a recipe. There are many simple and easy techniques you can learn and adopt, to improve your energy, happiness, and enjoyment of life. 


​What to do now

If you are keen to know more, hop over to the Services page or the Courses page, or you can send me an email if you have questions. I look forward to connecting with you!

How I got here

My Mission

To share the power of energy healing with as many people as I can. My dream is to live in a world where there is an Energy Healer in every family. That's not as crazy as it may sound because... healing is something we all have the ability to do! 

Why Energy Healing?

With 40 years work experience in more than 40 organisations I have experienced a wide range of roles, work cultures and business practices. My business qualifications include a Bachelors Degree in Business Psychology, a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration, and a Certificate in Adult Teaching from Massey University, New Zealand. 


I now teach energy healing online, drawing on my 25 years experience as an adult teacher, training manager, and learning and development specialist. I have worked for a range of large and small corporate, and educational organisations.  


I feel privileged to have worked with great colleagues and bosses, while doing work that I loved. However, like so many others, I've also been on the flip side, working in toxic and unhealthy organisations. At one point, I spent four years out of work because I didn't feel safe enough to return to work after experiencing both burnout and bullying in the workplace.


In 2015, I wrote a book about workplace bullying, under a pen name, I wanted to help others experiencing workplace bullying. My goal was to help those targeted by bully's return to feeling safe in the workplace, fast. Faster than I did. Writing the book was a catalyst in my own healing. When I learned how to heal myself through studying a range of healing modatilites, I began helping others, and that's when I really began to experience the true power of healing.


Do you feel called to learning how to heal yourself and others? Pop over to the Courses page and check out Discover and Develop my introductory healing courses. â€‹

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