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10 Compelling Reasons to Dive Into Energy Healing

Updated: 5 days ago

The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well. - Hippocrates

1. Stress Reduction

'Medical research estimates as much as 90 percent of illness and disease is stress-related.' While stress is a normal part of life, too much stress brought on by continuous challenges without a break between, can lead to problems like high blood pressure, sleep disruption, stomach issues and more serious disease. Balancing the body's energy systems with energy healing helps to manage stress by clearing negative energy that blocks the flow of chi and promotes relaxation. This can lead to a calmer and more centered state of mind and a greater flow of energy throughout the entire body.

2. Enhanced Emotional Well-being People often think of energy healing as an aid to healing disease and physical ailments. However, the practice of clearing all of the dirty, diseased and stagnant energy from the Aura, Chakras, and Meridians, (the body's energy systems) improves the flow of energy throughout your entire body for greater emotional well-being as well.

3. Improved Sleep When you clear negative emotions, thoughts and beliefs, you feel lighter and your body then adjusts to better sleep patterns, promoting relaxation and reducing the impact of stress and anxiety. You can 'break free' of your limiting beliefs with energy healing.

4. Boosted Immune System Balancing and harmonising the body's energy systems can positively impact the immune system, enhancing the body's natural ability to heal and defend against illnesses. Energy Healing works as a preventative to illness and works well alongside modern medicine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) works closely with trapped emotions in the organs, such as grief in the lungs, sadness in the heart, worry in the spleen, anger in the liver and gallbladder, and fear in the kidneys and adrenal glands.

5. Increased Self-Awareness Being in tune with your body helps you to identify and address underlying issues that may be contributing to physical or emotional issues. Understanding how to interpret messages from the body is super helpful for this work and there are an increasing variety of modalities that focus on this awareness for intuitive healing.

Louise Hay's book: You Can Heal Your Life includes 60 pages of illnesses and the underlying emotions behind the problems.

“Energy Medicine is The Future of All Medicine.”  - C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD

6. Enhanced Mental Clarity Using advanced energy healing techniques, such as, clearing negative psychic entities, elementals and thought forms can lead to improved mental clarity and focus. These are not energies to be feared, just simply cleared for greater mental health and emotional wellbeing.

A lot of the negative energy that we carry or pick up comes from the collective concsiousness, (the feelings, thoughts, and beliefs of others). Our Aura's absorb negative energy when we watch and listening to negative 'fear' enducing news, movies and TV shows. While it is important to stay connected to those around us, we can also absorb the negativity of other people, which is simply a part of everyday life - much of it is out of your control. Learning how to clear these negative energies quickly and easily for yourself, your family and friends is a wonderful gift to have and share.

7. Pain Management Pain is your body signals trapped emotions in your body. Your body talks to you and when you don't listen it will keep sending messages (such as pain) to wake you up. It can be to highlight a lesson or challenge in your life that you need to be aware of to heal. Energy healing can help you to identify the underlying causes of the pain and help you by addressing the energetic aspects of aches and pain caused by blocked, or negative energy.

8. Empowerment Through Self-Healing Learning energy healing empowers you to take an active role in your own well-being, providing tools for self-healing and personal growth. For me, this is the most exciting benefit and 'the true prize' of learning energy work.

9. Balanced Energy Centres (Chakras) The chakras spin and draw energy into and around the body, they are the energy pumps. The meridians are the vessels that carry the energy. Each of the major chakras are responsible for different organs and bodily functions. Each of the meridians are connected to the organs and functions of the boy. Energy healing teaches you how to cleanse and repair your energy centres and energy vessels for maximum energy and overall wellbeing.

10. Spiritual Growth Energy healing is a pathway to your own spiritual discovery, fostering a deeper connection with your body, mind, spirit and the Universe. Energy healing boosts your intuition which in turn increases your spiritual growth and self-awareness. It also lifts your vibration and in turn can assist with manifesting greater abundance and happiness in your life.

Healing your body and mind needs to be easy... and it totally can be.   Are You Ready To Take Action?

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