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10 Tips Become a Powerful Energy Healer

Updated: Jun 28

Everyday life stresses deplete or congest your energy systems. Developing your inbuilt healing abiities can help you to remove energy blocks, and prevent illness and disease in your body.

Energy Healer Feeling the energy between his hands

Energy Healing

Has been known to assist with almost any kind of disease, physical or mental ailment. It works well alongside medicine (but does not replace it). Most healers can feel, see, or sense energy, in the person they are working on. When you are very new to healing these senses may not be highly atuned, but with practice, over time you will notice them becoming heightened.

Healing Energies

Are often referred to as the subtle energies – so that gives you a clue as to what it might feel like to pick up on these energies. Very subtle in the beginning, but over time they can become stronger. But the great thing is, you do not need to feel, or see energy to facilitate the healing process. Listed below are 10 tips to help you on your path to becoming a powerful energy healer.

"Healing is not just about fixing the physical body, it is about restoring balance and harmony to the whole person." - Dr. Laura Koniver

10 Tips to Becoming a Powerful Energy Healer

  1. Choose a modality that resonates with you. There are lots of different healing modalities to choose from. Over time you may learn multiple different healing systems and develop your own unique healing modality.

  2. Find a mentor or teacher to teach and support you on your healing journey.

  3. Practice grounding and centering techniques regularly. Grounding helps you to feel much calmer and present, which helps you to make more rational decisions. It also has some great physical benefits, such as, reducing your stress levels and relaxing you, which can help you to sleep so much better.

  4. Meditate to develop your intuition. If you find meditating boring, there are lots of free guided mediations available on YouTube. If you love to get outside, try a walking meditation. You don't have to just sit with your eyes closed and your legs crossed, medidation can be whatever fills your cup. Try out a few different providers, until you find a voice that resonates with you. Do you prefer bird calls and the sound of nature, or, the sound of ocean waves. Invest a little time finding what works for you. Of course you can also grab my free colour energy healing meditation.

  5. Learn to feel energy in yourself and others. Activate the minor chakras in the palms of your hands to feel, scan and work with energy.

  6. Work on clearing any energy blocks in your aura and chakras.

  7. Practice, practice, practice, on friends and family, pets and plants to gain experience.

  8. Attend workshops, or training programs, or online energy healing courses to deepen your knowledge.

  9. Keep an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow.

  10. Dedicate time to daily practice to build your skills. Include simple but effective strategies that fit your lifestyle and good habits that increase your energy.

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you." - B.B. King

Healing your body and mind needs to be easy... and it totally can be.  

Are You Ready To Take Action?

* Check out my Healing Courses

* Experience an Energy Infusion - visit my Library of Energy Infusions on YouTube

* Scroll to the bottom of the page to access the FREE Guided Colour Healing Meditation. 


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