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12 Benefits of Laughter

Updated: Jun 28

Like a smile, laughter is contagious. It spreads love and laughter bouncing from person to person. Laughter is free, natural, and can spread happiness. And there are multiple health benefits too.

The benefits of laughter as a healing modality

"When you awaken love and laughter in your life, your mind lets go of fear and anxiety, and your happy spirit becomes the healing balm that transforms every aspect of your human experience.” Jesse Dylan

The health and wellbeing benefits of laughter are amazing and often overlooked.

12 Benefits of Laughter

  1. Can reduce depression and anxiety by swapping the cortisol in your bloodstream for the mood booster cocktail of: dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins

  2. Reduces stress and can help you to live longer

  3. Reduces pain, relaxing muscles in your body

  4. Can reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes

  5. Increases the circulation of your lymphatic system

  6. Increases the oxygenation of your blood, increasing blood flow by up to 50%

  7. Strengthens your immune system

  8. Deepens your connection with others

  9. Makes you relatable and more fun to be with

  10. Raises your vibration ~ which attracts more positivity and abundance into your life

  11. Improves your mood and makes you more attractive to others

  12. Burns calories

One of the most interesting discoveries of the power of laughter is that your body reaps the benefits whether you are laughing for real, or, just faking it.

This is one time that 'fake it till you make it' really works!

Get Your Laugh On...

It's easy to inject laughs into your day. Just 10 minutes a day of laughing (real or fake) can produce significant health benefits.'

You can:

  • Try a laughter exercise:

    1. Smile with your eyes: Stand in front of a mirror and cover your mouth and nose with your hands. Smile with only your eyes and keep this going for 5 to 10 seconds.

    2. Walk and laugh: Pace up and down 12 times, laughing gently as you move your body. Listen, read or watch comedy on TV.

  • Watch funny videos on YouTube.

  • Or try Laughter Yoga. In 1995 Dr Kataria, started this healing modality. There are now Laughter Yoga clubs all over the world.

What is Laughter Yoga?

  • It’s a unique concept where anyone can learn to laugh for no reason without relying on humour, jokes, or comedy.

  • Laughter is initiated in a group with eye contact and childlike playfulness, which soon turns into real and contagious laughter.

  • Laughter Yoga combines laughter exercises with deep breathing. Bringing more oxygen into the body and brain makes you feel more energetic and healthier.

How to get the maximum health benefits from Laughter Yoga

In a Laughter Yoga session you can expect singing, dancing, playing, and laughing – the four elements of joy, in a safe environment. You will do some easy warm up exercises that involve clapping. Some movement and deep breathing exercises. You will experience playfulness and laughter exercises. Sessions usually close with some fun cheers. The mission of Laughter Yoga is health, happiness, and world peace.

A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything. ~ Irish Proverb

If you are interested in boosting your laughter practice, you can look for a Laughter Club near you, or try the free online International Laughter club on Zoom.

Or, you may like to soak up this Healing Infusion of Laughter Vibrations and Frequencies:

Healing your body and mind needs to be easy... and it totally can be.  

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