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Easy Grounding for Stress Relief

Updated: Jun 28

We all get a little disconnected at times. The busier and more stressed you are, the more you will be 'in your head'. Constantly thinking, worrying, and trying to figure things out can lead to increased pressure. Our subconscious minds job is to keep us safe, and so it can bring up every negative thought and lead you down the rabbit hole of fear.

When you are stuck in a mind that is full of negative thoughts, you are less likely to make good decisions, or feel relaxed and healthy. So when you find yourself on the wheel of worry and stress, it's a sign you need to get grounded. When you are grounded you are tapped into the earth's strength, love and healing power.

Easy Grounding for Stress Relief

Feeling rooted in the earth is soothing to the body, and it is our connection to the earth that gives us our most basic sense of belonging, home, resilience, and safety. Jessica Moore

Tapping into mother earth (grounding) helps you to move your focus and energy, from your head and into your body. Grounding helps you to feel much calmer and present, which helps you to make better and more rational decisions. When you shift your energy into your body, you are more connected to your intuition. Following your intuition, can lead you to making better life choices, and it is often the path of least resistance.

Grounding also has some great physical benefits, such as, reducing your stress levels and relaxing you, which can help you to sleep better. If your life is busy and stressful – grounding yourself daily could be a game changer for you.

Grounding Helps You To:

  • restore your natural electrical balance

  • feel safer and calmer, less anxious

  • reduce the chatter in your head

  • improve your mood

  • reduce stress and inflammation in the body

  • improve sleep and blood flow

  • draw ground prana into your body to re-energise your energy systems

  • feel connected to the healing energy of earth

  • heal your body

Easy Grounding Techniques

  • breath deeply and focus on your feet, imagine roots growing out of your feet and into the ground below.

  • spend time at the beach, walking barefoot or swimming

  • garden - get your hands into the dirt

  • walk barefoot in the grass

  • hug a tree or lean against one while reading a book

  • smell flowers

  • put your hands in water

  • walk, run, stretch, dance

  • sit, or sleep on a grounding mat

  • use your senses, focus on what can you smell, see, taste, hear and touch around you

As you can see there are many easy grounding options. Grounding is something you should do each day, particularly if you are a person that spends a lot of time thinking and worrying. Grounding is also important for your tapping into your intuition, which can assist you with energy healing tools such as; scanning and muscle-testing. I introduce these and many other healing tools in my introductory energy healing course 'Discover'.

Learn an Easy Grounding Method for Instant Results

  1. You can sit or stand while you do this.

  2. Put your feet firmly on the floor and place your thumb into your belly button and press downwards.

  3. As you apply this gentle pressure to your belly button – imagine cords running from your feet and from your tailbone (making you a tripod) and send them down into the ground.

  4. Imagine the cords shooting through the earth at great speed and connecting into mother earths big ruby heart.

  5. You may feel the energy in your legs and feet, they will likely feel heavier. You may feel heat, or tingling in your feet and lower legs.

  6. It takes only 30 – 60 seconds to do this, and you will get faster at it, as you become familiar with the visualization.

For a more powerful grounding, once you have connected to mother earth, imagine golden cords coming out of mother earth's heart and travelling back up through the earth and into your feet, up your legs, into your sit bones, your belly and into your heart.

Healing your body and mind needs to be easy... and it totally can be.  

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* Scroll to the bottom of the page to access the FREE Guided Colour Healing Meditation.

10 Easy Grounding Tips


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