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Trapped Emotions and Limiting Beliefs

Updated: Jun 28

When you feel negative emotions you may try to avoid feeling, or dealing with them. It's natural, as they don't feel good. However, your emotions are your body talking to you, they're your natural guidance system at work. When you avoid feeling them, you lose the opportunity to understand what you need and want in your life.

Clear your negative trapped emotions and limiting beliefs

Negative Emotions Weigh More Than Positive Emotions

Negative emotions are heavy and that's why they drain your energy. In her book the Hidden Power of Emotions Dr Melanie Dean shares that the fear molecule Orexin weights three times more than the love molecule Oxytocin. The Anger molecule: Neuropeptide Y weighs four times more than love. Dopamine (the feel good molecule) feels very light, and it is because it weights just 153 grams per mole. Emotions also have a vibration and lighter positive emotions like happiness vibrate at a faster and higher frequency than negative emotions like fear or anger.

"Feelings of fear, anxiety, and worry are heavier than feelings of happiness, eagerness, safety, and love." Dr Melanie Dean

Knowing that negative emotions weigh more than positive emotions makes it easy to see why you may choose to avoid feeling them. But the true cost of trying not to feel your emotions can be high. When you ignore and don't feel your emotions, rather than identify, acknowledge and then let them flow through you and out of your body, they can become trapped in your physical and energy bodies.

''There is a cost when we try not to feel our emotions." Margaret Lynch-Raniere

Trapped Emotions and Energy Blocks

Negative emotions can become trapped in your body during trauma events (big and small) whether something has happened to you or you have witnessed trauma unfolding for others. They become trapped when you have not been able to process the emotion due to what is going on around you.

Trapped emotions can block the flow of chi, our life force energy, which can then lead to all sorts of disfunction in the body. Such as pain, illness and disease. They can also present as phobias, and trigger you causing unexpected overreactions to situations and people. Trapped emotions can stop you from feeling safe and living your best life.

Learn How to Clear the Blocks that are Keeping You Stuck

In the online course: Break Free of Your Limiting Beliefs with Energy Healing, I teach you how to identify and clear energy blocks, such as; negative trapped emotions, limiting beliefs, fears, and trapped trauma. Clearing energy blocks is a simple process, the trickiest part is identifying and finding them.

With more than15 interactive exercises included in the course, it's designed to be totally interactive. As you participate in each of the exercises woven throughout the course you will build your skills in scanning, and clearing energy blocks. Through a little practice and interaction with the course material you can clear blocks for yourself, your friends, family and pets.

Healing your body and mind needs to be easy... and it totally can be.  

Are You Ready To Take Action?

* Check out my Healing Courses

* Experience an Energy Infusion - visit my Library of Energy Infusions on YouTube

* Scroll to the bottom of the page to access the FREE Guided Colour Healing Meditation.

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