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How to Feel Energy in Your Hands

Updated: Jun 28

You are surrounded by healing energy that you can use to heal yourself and the people, pets and plants, that you love. One of the most important skills to learn for energy healing is how to activate your hands, so that you can work with energy.

How to feel energy in your hands

Chakras are the energy centres of your body, there are major, minor and miny chakras throughout your physical and energy bodies. While the chakras in your hands and fingers are smaller than the major chakras in the centre of your body, they are powerful and can shift a lot of energy. Activating these chakras and getting comfortable with feeling and moving energy, are key steps to healing yourself and others.

Feel Energy in Your Hands

When you first start playing with energy you may feel a slight buzz, heat, or tingling in your hands, or you may not feel anything. As you work more and more with energy you are likely to sense stronger sensations and shifts in energy. The energy we work with for healing is the subtle energies and so it can take time to become familiar with the sensations of energy in your hands.

One of the best ways to feel energy in your hands is to create 'energy balls'. I demonstrate this process in my course Discover Energy Healing and How to Heal Yourself.

You can activate your hands regardless of your age, or previous experience working with, or feeling energy. Anyone can do this by following these simple steps below:

1. Look up and connect to the light and let the light into your heart space.

2. Connect to mother earth's heart and bring her energy into your heart space.

3. Rub your hands together, like you are warming them up, by massaging the centre of your palms in a circular movement for a couple of minutes.

4. Hold your hands about 10 inches apart with the palms facing together. Like you are holding something between them and focus on your palms.

5. Move your hands together and apart slowly until you can feel the energy between them. Imagine you are playing with a ball of energy. the energy is subtle, you must concentrate to feel it. Trust what you are feeling.

6. Don’t worry if you don’t feel energy right away, for some people it comes quickly, for others, it may take a bit more practice.

These are the steps for feeling energy in your hands, keep practicing each day until you feel the energy between your hands. This will prepare you for working with energy as a healer.

Healing your body and mind needs to be easy... and it totally can be.  

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* Experience an Energy Infusion - visit my Library of Energy Infusions on YouTube

* Scroll to the bottom of the page to access the FREE Guided Colour Healing Meditation. 


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