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Protection: How to Protect Your Energy

Updated: Jun 28

Energy protection is increasingly important as we live in more densely populated cities, lead busier lives and are exposed to higher stress levels, both our own, and of those around us.

Energy Protection is increasingly important as we live in more densley populated cities

It's even more important to protect your energy if you are doing healing work and clearing dirty or negative energy from yourself, or others. Some in the healing community believe protection is a must, while others dismiss it and focus on their connection with the devine to protect them. I suggest using both. So what are some of the situations where you may need to protect yourself?

Protect Your Energy From Energy Drains

1. Energy Vampires

We've all been around those people who draw you in, then drain you. They might be people you can’t avoid like family members or work colleagues. Or, you may be working with toxic people, they could be your manager, a colleague, client, or customers. You may believe you just have to put up with these people, and in some circumstances that may be so. However, you can also protect your energy when you are around these people. You don’t have to let them drain you anymore.

2. Situations

Consider protecting yourself before you go into any situations that you know, can or will drain you. For introverts, that is most likely to be when you are around lots of people, noisy environments, hustle and bustle. You can't always avoid these situations, so setting protection can help you cope. For extroverts, isolation and limited interaction with others can be damaging to your morale and long term health. More connection with people you love and enjoy being with, is what you need. Connection is needed when you feel lonely or abandoned. Protection is needed when you are about to walk into any situation that may be stressful, like a charged meeting with your boss, or a difficult conversation with a loved one or friend.

3. Personal Energy Drains

Do you know what your personal energy drains are? Identifying what re-energises you, is the easiest way to identify what drains you. Do you re-energise when you are home alone, or when you are around people? If you re-energise when you are alone, then being around a lot of people for long periods of time will likely drain you – and so protecting yourself before these situations, will save you from feeling drained.

4. Places and Events

What are the places or events where you feel the need for protection? Dentists, hospitals, attending funerals, graveyards, toxic workplaces... they can drain or overwhelm you.

5. Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

An HSP has stronger reactivity to pain, hunger, light, and noise. They can get drained more easily than others. If you are an HSP setting protection is something you should consider doing every day, just like cleaning your teeth. You can get into the habit of setting your protection before you leave your home, or when you hop into your car.

6. Lack of Awareness or Boundaries

You may not be aware of how much certain situations, or places, or certain people, do drain you – or, you may be putting up with these people and situations out of duty, or a sense of obligation. Here’s the thing! You don’t have to stop being a good, or reliable person. You just need firm boundaries. You can use protection tools to limit the effects these various drains may be having on you. And just to be really clear I’m talking about energy protection. So if you struggle with setting personal boundaries, like saying NO! to people, you may like to try using energetic boundaries instead.

Stepping into an imaginary violet bubble is a popular energy protection strategy

How to Set Protection

If you are dealing with a difficult customer, boss or colleague, friend or family member, a situation or event, simply surround yourself with a large bubble of White or Violet light. Violet Light is stronger than white light. Set the intention the bubble is protecting you as you visualise or imagine you are stepping into it.

You can also spell the word protection within the bubble, imagine it is floating in the bubble with you. Think of someone you trust, who can protect you and include them in the bubble with you. Protection can be used in many different situations. “I like to put myself in a violet bubble before going into a shopping mall, or supermarket. I set the intention that I want to have a peaceful shopping experience and I don’t want to pick up other people’s negative energy. Where else can you use this technique in your everyday life?

How to Use Connection

Connection is a deep spiritual practice, one suited to you if you trust and listen to your intuition. You simply set the intention to connect to your higher self, your spirit. Your higher self always has your best interests at heart. Ask your higher self to lead you today and tell your subconscious that it’s not running the show today, and that it has to follow your higher self. Your higher self connects with you via your intuition. It shows up when you get a hunch to drive a different way to work, and then you later learn there was an accident on your usual route.

Your subconscious which is run by memories, your fears and beliefs, also has the job to keep you safe on a physical level; however, many of the beliefs that you have stored in your subconscious mind during your lifetime, may no longer serve you, so your subconscious can sometimes get in the way of your growth. These old beliefs are what we call Limiting Beliefs, and they are a complete topic of their own. So, for now, simply put your higher self in charge and tell your subconscious to stand down as you ask your higher self to lead you today. Connecting is a daily practice, something you can do first thing in the morning, and then again whenever you feel you need to during the day.

Healing your body and mind needs to be easy... and it totally can be.  

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