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Sound Healing; Is it One of Your Healing Gifts?

Updated: Jun 28

Sound healing uses music, tones, instruments, and vibrations to restore peace, serenity and balance by promoting deep rest and release to your nervous system. It helps to balance your energy fields, systems and entire body. It is an ancient healing modality that works with audio frequencies, working directly on the body’s aura and chakras. It brings the body back into balance. Sound healing utilises music, vibration, as well as words and vocals. You may be a sound healer and not know it. Alternatively, you may get the most amazing healing results from working with a sound healer.

Woman loving the sound healing experience

Guided meditations led by sound healers are the best! Especially those who use their voice to heal. They may be singers, or use toning, or play instruments. But you don’t have to have all of those skills to be a sound healer. So don’t be too quick to say ‘I’m not a sound healer!’ There is much more to sound healing than music. You may may use your voice to heal others with your message as a public speaker, or create guided meditations that soothe others to sleep.

I attended a healing retreat in New South Wales, Australia where Anandi our host led us on a walking meditation into the bush. Once we reached a massive rock in a beautiful bush setting, we were asked to place our hands on the rock. As Anandi circled us, setting the mallet against her large singing bowl, I could feel the music vibrating through the rock and into every cell in my body. It was so powerful, it felt to me like everyone in the valley must be hearing the magical tones and feeling the energy vibrations. Every guided meditation at this retreat gave me amazing energy and insights, at times I found it difficult to sleep. I was having an awakening, and my healing abilities started ramping up, and they continue to develop. This was a sign to me that sound healing is powerful for me personally.

Have you identified a modality that lifts your vibration and awakens the powerful energy within you?

Just a few weeks later, I was completing an online programme which provided attunements for each of the healing modalities. The sound healing attunement was so powerful it had me laughing, crying, and feeling euphoric. I felt sensations I had never witnessed before, and it was then I realised that sound healing is a healing gift that boosts my energy and heals me. I highly recommend exploring sound energy, to see if it is something that you resonate with.

How do you know if sound healing is one of your gifts, or, a gift that can serve you?

There are many ways sound healing can serve you. You may receive guidance this way. With words of wisdom popping into your head just when you need them. Also known as clairaudience. You may be aware that you learn and retain information best when listening, this means you are an auditory learner. Here’s some more clues:

Words and Sounds to Inspire You:

  1. You may love the power of quotes, incantations, affirmations, afformations, and using ‘what if’ questions to lift your vibration and manifest what you want in your life.

  2. You may find talk therapy with a psychologist or counsellor is helpful, because you are using your voice and communicating. Talking things through may be how you find meaning, make sense of why things are happening/not happening in your life. It may be the best way for you to make decisions, and work through challenges.

  3. When you are tapped into your intuition and are receiving signals from the universe you may hear song lyrics or hear words in your head.

  4. You find listening to music you love, transformational, and a fast way to lift your vibration.

  5. Are you drawn to guided meditations? Do you receive deep healing from listening to the music and the voice guiding you in the meditation?

  6. When you need to edit something, reading it aloud is the best way to find what flows and what doesn’t in your writing.

Sound Healing Treatments

There are a range of sound healing treatments and tools available, including:

  • Binaural beats are used to activate changes in brainwaves for greater focus, to aid meditation and for supporting Automatic Writing, to connect to your intuition and guidance.

  • Toning can be a single vowel, a mantra, a cry, or sound used to send healing to a particular area of the body.

  • Sound baths with bowls bells and percussion instruments.

  • Guided sound meditations.

  • Singing or chanting mantras.

  • Tuning forks on the body to release energy blocks.

Sound Healing Instruments

Sound healers may use musical instruments and any of the following: singing bowls, gongs, rattles and shakers, bells, flutes, drums, chimes, and tuning forks as part of their modality.

Surprising 'New' Research About Sound Healing Listening to birds can boost your mood for up to 8 hours!

Research by Kings College of London (2022) examined the impact of simply seeing or hearing birds and the positive impact on mental wellbeing. They found significant mental health benefits from exposure to everyday interaction with birdlife. This works for healthy people and those with depression.

Birdsong relaxes you physically and stimulates your mind. Bird song is used in a lounge in Amsterdam’s airport to help passengers to relax before their flights. When birds are singing it is a reassuring sound, it brings us closer to nature. So, every time you see or hear a bird, soak up the wonder of their song and tap into your boosted mood.

Watch the Nature Walk Energy Infusion and soak up the healing vibrations and high frequencies of specially selected flower essences, herbs, aromatherapy, colour therapy, crystals and more, while enjoying the sounds of birds playing in nature.

Healing your body and mind needs to be easy... and it totally can be.  

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