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The Secret to Energy Healing: It's a Skill, and a Gift

Updated: Jun 28

Energy healing is a popular 'alternative' therapy that promotes healing by balancing the energy fields in the body. It involves the use of techniques that stimulate the body's natural healing ability. While many people believe that energy healing requires special abilities or training, the truth is that anyone can learn energy healing with the right mindset and approach.

Energy Healing is a skill and a gift

Energy Healing, it's a skill we can all develop

The first thing to understand is that energy healing is a natural ability that all humans possess. It's not a supernatural power that only a few gifted individuals can tap into. In fact, energy healing is a skill that can be developed and honed through practice and dedication.

One of the keys to learning energy healing is being open and receptive. Energy healing involves working with subtle energies, which are often imperceptible to the five senses. To be able to perceive and work with these energies, you must cultivate your sense of awareness and intuition. You can do this through meditation, mindfulness, visualisation, or spending time in joy - which means doing what you love as often as you can, as this puts you into a state of flow and you become more open to your intuition.

"The key to learning energy healing is to have an open mind and an open heart." - Dr. Bradley Nelson

It's important to understand the underlying principles and techniques of healing. There are many different approaches to energy healing, each with its own series of practices or techniques. Some popular modalities include Healing Touch, Sound Healing, Reiki, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Chakra healing and Qi Gong, to name just a few. Each of these techniques has its own unique approach and philosophy, so it's important to do some research and find the one/s that resonate most with you.

Once you find a healing system or modality that you feel drawn to, the next step is to seek out training. While it's possible to learn energy healing through self-study, it's really helpful to have a teacher, or mentor who can provide guidance, feedback, encouragement and support. This can be in the form of workshops, online courses, or one-on-one sessions.

The benefits of working with a healing teacher, or mentor include them helping you to develop your intuition and refine your technique.

"To learn energy healing is to embrace the interconnectedness of all things." - Barbara Brennan

Anyone can learn energy healing with the right mindset and approach. It's a natural ability that can be developed through practice and dedication. The key is to cultivate a sense of awareness and intuition, find a technique that resonates with you, and seek out training and guidance. With these tools, you can tap into the power of energy healing and promote healing and balance in your life and the lives of your friends and loved ones.

Healing your body and mind needs to be easy... and it totally can be.  

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