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What is Infusion Healing?

Infusion Healing is a modern and innovative approach to energy healing combining frequency healing with traditional healing elements such as: flower remedies, healing crystals, herbs, essential oils and more. Rapid high frequency healing rejuvenates and balances your vital energy fields and systems.

Infusion Healing

How Does Infusion Healing Work?

During a one-on-one healing session, practitioners identify the specific needs of your body. They then use frequency healing to infuse the healing frequencies and vibrations you need. This tailored approach provides an opportunity to tune in to your unique energy imbalances, promotes overall wellness and harmony. Infusion's can also be provided via remote healing, as we are all connected energetically.

Infusion Healing and the Rife Machine

Infusion Healing shares similarities with the Rife Machine, a device developed by Dr. Rife in the early 20th century. The Rife Machine used specific frequencies to target and eliminate pathogens, aiming to improve health by restoring the body’s natural balance. Similarly, Infusion Healing utilizes frequencies and vibrations of elements such as flower essences to address imbalances in the body.

Both modalities emphasize the importance of frequency in healing and seek to promote healing through non-invasive, energy-based techniques. However, Infusion Healing expands on this concept by integrating natural elements like Flower Essences and Essential Oils, providing a holistic approach to wellness.

The Healing Power of Natures Elements

Dr Bach a Harley Street doctor in London in the early 1920's was tired of being the solution at the bottom of the cliff - he left his highly respected practice and went to discover a natural preventative solution. He found this in the vibration of trees and flowers. He uses a crowding philosophy to healing. Rather than focusing on clearing negative vibrations, he created Bach Flower remedies which are the high vibration needed to reverse the negative vibration, which in turn brings healing to the body by focusing on healing the emotions. Modern energy healing practitioners acknowledge that where there is illness or pain in the body there is trapped negative emotions.

Your thoughts create your beleifs which lead to your decisions and patterns in life. When you release negative thoughts and emotions, your life can change significantly. You vibrate at a higher level and magnetically attract higher vibration people, events and experiences into your life. It takes as much energy to think a negative thought as it does to think a positive thought and science has proven that negative emotions are much heavier than positive emotions. Infusion healing helps to clear the negative energies in your body, by infusing the high vibrations of healing elements.

Benefits of Infusion Healing

  1. Holistic: Infusion Healing targets your entire energy system, providing a comprehensive approach to healing.

  2. Balance: By addressing imbalances in your vital energy fields, this therapy helps restore balance and harmony.

  3. Personalised: Each session is customised to meet your specific needs, making the therapy highly effective.

  4. Natural: Utilises natural elements like Flower Essences and Essential Oils, Infusion Healing aligns with the principles of holistic health.

Infusion Healing Can Help

  1. Emotional Needs: managing anxiety and stress, sadness, hopelessness and lack of motivation, releasing fears, emotional wounds and pain, releasing feeling stuck and trapped emotions, boost self-esteem and increase emotional flow and balance, letting go of negative patterns and overwhelming emotions and cultivating self-forgiveness.

  2. Physical Needs: boosting overall energy levels, supporting the body's natural healing processes uring or after illness. Promoting relaxation and mood balance, promoting a sense of wellness and vitality.

  3. Spiritual Needs: enhancing intuition, deeper self-awarenes and personal transformation. Reconnecting to yourself and others. Supporting higher vibration and manifesting. Promoting greater tranquility and contentment.

Experience Infusion Healing

You can experience the transformative power of Infusion Healing through private healing sessions. These sessions allow you to receive personalised attention and customised healing frequencies tailored to your body's needs. A personal infusion session with me includes a scan of your energy systems to identify what you need and then an energy infusion. This is all completed energetically via distance healing and via zoom. It is a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

Explore the Energy Infusion Library on YouTube

These infusions are pre-recorded and provide you with easy access to this healing therapy. Energy infusions can be watched, listened to, or put on a loop with the sound down. Your body will only absorb what it needs, so you can rewatch/listen as often as you like and draw the healing vibrations into your energy fields and systems.

Infusion Playlists:

Embrace the power of Infusion Healing and give your body the gift of rejuvenation and balance. Whether through private or group clearing sessions, this therapy offers a unique and holistic approach to enhancing your well-being.

Listen or watch this Infusion by clicking on the image below:

Healing your body and mind needs to be easy... and it totally can be.  

Are You Ready To Take Action?

* Do you want to learn how to tap into your energy healing abilities?   Check out my Healing Courses

* Experience an Energy Infusion - visit my Library of Energy Infusions on YouTube

* And... scroll to the bottom of the page to access the FREE Guided

Colour Healing Meditation.

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